Toy Deal – Fur Real Glamalot Pet

Fur Real Glamalot Dog Pet price cut by 52% now only £13

These were huge last year. Little girls love them because not only are they cute and snuggly but you can groom them and they interact.

Here’s what it does:

  • Walking Feature: Each Glamalot comes with a leash that kids can attach to take their pet for a walk.
  • Grooming and Styling: The toy includes styling accessories like brushes and clips, so kids can add a bit of flair by brushing and accessorizing their Glamalot.
  • Fun Sounds: Glamalots make sounds when interacting, like playful barks and yips adding a lifelike element to the play.

So thing cuddly pet, without the mess – a fashion-forward take on the classic fluffy dog toy!

glamalot interactive pet

All deals are correct at the time of posting.

Deals, prices and voucher codes may change or expire at any time.

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